TIP FormQueryPlugin is not installed on Foswiki.org.


The FormQueryPlugin provides a query interface to the Foswiki::Contrib::DBCacheContrib module, giving a way to present query results. It also supports 'result sets' that simplify successive refinements of searches.

When using the plugin each topic is treated as a container for data fields. These are the fields in the form attached to the topic. You can also request that tables in the topics be made searchable.

The tutorial section of this topic gives an introduction to formulating and formatting queries using this plugin, and is a good place to start.


  • Perform complex queries on the database
  • Use result sets
  • Extensive conditional formatting support
  • Automatic derivation of new topic names
  • Recognition and special formatting of key data strings

Searching tables

As well as the form data attached to a topic, the FormQueryPlugin adds the ability to extract embedded tables from topics.

Embedded tables that follow a specific format (defined using the EditTablePlugin) are added to the topic as an array of rows, each of which contains a map keyed on the fields and mapping to the values in the table. This array is added to the topic as a field named the same as the table type. Where there are multiple tables of the same type in a topic, they are concatenated together into a single array. See Settings for more information about how to set up tables.

Topics can also be automatically related to each other by name. The plugin uses something called Topic Relations that allow the creation of two-way relationships between topics. Topic relations from parent topics to child topics are stored in the map of the parent topic using the name of the relation as the field name and an array of references to the maps of child topics. Reverse relations from child to parent topics are also stored. See Settings for more information about how to set up topic relations.

Most of the rest of this documentation describes how to search this database and generate reports.

Syntax Rules

A query has first to be formed using FORMQUERY, and then shown using SHOWQUERY. You can combine these operations using DOQUERY. Queries are output according to a format specification in the parameters to SHOWQUERY. You can cache these specifications for re-use by defining them using TABLEFORMAT.

The syntax of queries supported by FormQueryPlugin is very similar to the synatx used in %SEARCH{type="query". However it is subtly different; the FormQueryPlugin predated the core support for query searches by some years.


%FORMQUERY is the basic FormQueryPlugin query mechanism. A %FORMQUERY works either on the whole database or, if the query parameter is given, the results of another query.
Parameter Description
name Required, gives the name of the query result for use in %SHOWQUERY or another %FORMQUERY
search Required, the search to perform (see Search operators). Default parameter; the keyword search may be omitted.
casesensitive Optional, if missing or off search is not casesensitive.
query Optional, the name of the query to refine. If missing, defaults to the whole database
extract Optional, the name of a field in each of the matched maps to flatten out into the returned list.
moan Optional, "on" or "off", if set to "off" will disable match failed message

For example,
%FORMQUERY{name="AQuery" search="Owner='Main\.Fred'"}%
%FORMQUERY{name="BQuery" query="AQuery" search="Product='Boiled Egg'"}%
%FORMQUERY{name="CQuery" query="BQuery" search="" extract="CookingTimes"}%
%FORMQUERY{name="DQuery" query="CQuery" search="Time < '4'"}%
will search for all topics with a form field Owner set to Main.Fred, then filter that down to those topics that have Product set to Boiled Egg. Then it will extract and flatten out the embedded table CookingTimes in each matched topic. By "flatten out" we mean that future queries on CQuery must refer to the fields of the CookingTimes table, not the fields of the topic, i.e. CQuery will be an array of all the rows in the embedded table. Finally it will filter down to those rows that have the column Time < 4 minutes.

Of course there is more than one way to skin a cat. A faster way to formulate the same query would be to say:
%FORMQUERY{name=AQuery search="Owner='Main\.Fred' AND Product='Boiled Egg'" extract=CookingTimes}%
%FORMQUERY{name=DQuery query=AQuery search="Time < '4'"}%

FORMQUERY is normally silent i.e. it generates no output unless there is an error, in which case an error description is inserted. This error message can be disabled using the moan parameter which makes FORMQUERY totally silent.

Search operators

Fields are given by name, and values by strings or numbers. Strings should always be surrounded by 'single-quotes'. Strings which are regular expressions (RHS of =, != =~ operators) use 'perl' regular expression syntax (google for perlre for help). Numbers can be signed integers or decimals. Single quotes in values may be escaped using backslash (\).

The following operators are available:
Operator Result Meaning
= Boolean LHS exactly matches the regular expression on the RHS. The expression must match the whole string.
!= Boolean Inverse of =
=~ Boolean LHS contains RHS i.e. the RHS is found somewhere in the field value.
< Boolean Numeric <
> Boolean Numeric >
>= Boolean Numeric >=
<= Boolean Numeric <=
@ Node Access node referenced by LHS. e.g. ProjectLeader@TopicTitle returns the formfield TopicTitle of the topic stored in the formfield ProjectLeader
lc String Unary lower case
displayValue String return display value of a formfield, e.g. displayValue('State')
uc String Unary UPPER CASE
d2n Number Convert a date string into epoch seconds
n2d String Convert epoch seconds into a date string
length Number Length of an array, e.g. length(attachments) to return the number of attachments
! Boolean Unary NOT
AND Boolean AND
OR Boolean OR
ALLOWS Boolean LHS is a topic that allows to perform RHS by the current user e.g. topic ALLOWS VIEW is true when the current user is allowed to view the given topic
() any Bracketed subexpression
IS_DATE Boolean Compare two dates e.g. '1 Apr 2003' IS_DATE '1 Apr 2004'
EARLIER_THAN Boolean Date is earlier than the given date
EARLIER_THAN_OR_ON Boolean Date is earlier than, or on, the given date
LATER_THAN Boolean LHS is later than the given date
LATER_THAN_OR_ON Boolean LHS is later than the given date
WITHIN_DAYS Boolean Date (which must be in the future) is within n working days of todays date

Search operators work on the fields of each map, be it a topic or an embedded table row.

Fields can be simple field names or can be more complex, and may even contain embedded searches. See Fields below for more information.

A search defined as some text string without any search operators is interpreted as text=~'string'.

At present there is no way to constrain a search on the contents of a contained table, such as an embedded table or forward relation. However there are usually ways around this; for example, a %FORMQUERY that uses extract to flatten all the sub-tables, and then use of the parent relation to complete the search. For example:
%FORMQUERY{name=AQuery search="Product='Boiled Egg'" extract=CookingTimes}%
%FORMQUERY{name=DQuery query=AQuery search="Time < '4' AND CookingTimes_of.Owner='Main\.Fred'"}%


Field references can be as simple as the name of a field, or may be more complex expressions that can even include embedded searches. The precise interpretation of the syntax depends on the type (Map or Array) of the object being referenced.

  • N where N is a number will get the Nth entry in the array e.g. attachments.9
  • X will return the sum of the subfield X of each entry e.g. TaskTable.Effort will sum the Effort column in a table called TaskTable.
  • [?search] will perform the given search over the entries in the array. Always returns an array result, even when there is only one result. For example: attachments[?name='pitcha.gif'] will return an array of all the entries that have their subfield name set to pitcha.gif.
  • [*X] will get a new array made from field X of each entry in this array. For example attachments[*size] will get an array of the sizes of each attachment.
  • X will get the subfield named X. For example, Product will get the formfield named Product.
  • X.Y will get the subfield Y of the subfield named X.
In all cases
  • # means "reset to root". So #.Y will return the subfield Y of the Map at the root of the query.



%TABLEFORMAT provides a template for the display of values extracted from a FormQueryPlugin query (like the old Fortran 'format' statement).
Parameter Description
name Required, gives the name of the format for use in %SHOWQUERY or another %FORMQUERY
format Required, gives the format of the body rows (or the format to subclass)
header Optional, gives the format of the header row
separator Optional, separate rows with this (default newline)
footer Optional, gives the string to use to terminate the table
sort Optional, defines the sort order
help Optional, if present then a helpful message will be output for undefined fields. So if you see a table entry that is blank and you don;t think it should be, add the help parameter and it should give some guidance.
moan Optional, "on" or "off", if set to "off" disables error output

The header, footer and format parameters are very similar in application to the parameters used in the standard %SEARCH Foswiki command. For the uninitiated, the header is used to define the first row of the results table:

header="| *Topic* | *Summary* |"
header="<table><tr><th>Topic</th><th>Summary</th></tr> |"

The format parameter is overloaded so it can also be used to refer to a table format previously defined using %TABLEFORMAT. This allows you to derive new formats (e.g. with different sort orders) For example,
%TABLEFORMAT{ name=TBLFMT format="|$topic|" sort="Owner,Priority"}%
%TABLEFORMAT{ name=SUBFMT format=TBLFMT sort="Priority,Owner" }%
Any of the header, footer or sort parameters in the referenced table format can be overridden by giving new values in the %SHOWQUERY.

The footer is usually only used for tables generated directly in HTML, in which case it is usually set to footer="</table>"


The format is used to define the rows in the body of the table:

format="| $topic | $Summary |"

Any fields in the form in the topic can be output by putting a $ sign before the name of the field. The two special fields $topic and $form are available for outputting the name of the topic and the type of the form. You can also refer to fields in related topics using the syntax $field.field where $field is the name of the relation and field is a field in the related topic; for example, format="|$Child_of.topic|".

The following special variables can be used in the format string:

Name: Expands To:
$web Name of the web
$topic Topic name
$topic(20) Topic name, "- " hyphenated each 20 characters
$topic(30, -<br />) Topic name, hyphenated each 30 characters with separator "-<br />"
$topic(40, ...) Topic name, shortended to 40 characters with "..." indication
$parent Name of parent topic; empty if not set
$parent(20) Name of parent topic, same hyphenation/shortening like $topic()
$text Formatted topic text.
$locked LOCKED flag (if any)
$date Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 28 May 2024 - 09:51
$isodate Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 2024-05-28T09:51Z
$rev Number of last topic revision, e.g. 1.4
$username Login name of last topic update, e.g. jsmith
$wikiname Wiki user name of last topic update, e.g. JohnSmith
$wikiusername Wiki user name of last topic update, like Main.JohnSmith
$createdate Time stamp of topic revision 1.1
$createusername Login name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. jsmith
$createwikiname Wiki user name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. JohnSmith
$createwikiusername Wiki user name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. Main.JohnSmith
$summary Topic summary, with 162 characters
$summary(50) Topic summary, with 50 characters
$summary(showvarnames) Topic summary, with %ALLTWIKI{...}% variables shown as ALLTWIKI{...}
$summary(noheader) Topic summary, with leading ---+ headers removed
Note: The tokens can be combined into a comma separated list like $summary(100, showvarnames, noheader)
$formname The name of the form attached to the topic; empty if none
$formfield(name) The field value of a form field; for example, $formfield(TopicClassification) would get expanded to PublicFAQ. This applies only to topics that have a DataForm. An alternative to using the name of the field directly.
$formfield(name, 10) Form field value, "- " hyphenated each 10 characters
$formfield(name, 20, -<br />) Form field value, hyphenated each 20 characters with separator "-<br />"
$formfield(name, 30, ...) Form field value, shortended to 30 characters with "..." indication
$pattern(reg-exp) A regular expression pattern to extract some text from the topic text (does not search meta data; use fields instead).
• Specify a RegularExpression that covers the whole text (topic or line), which typically starts with .*, and must end in .*
• Put text you want to keep in parenthesis, like $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*)
• Example: $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ...
• This example has non-greedy .*? patterns to scan for the first occurance of the Email bullet; use greedy .* patterns to scan for the last occurance
• Limitation: Do not use .*) inside the pattern, e.g. $pattern(.*foo(.*)bar.*) does not work, but $pattern(.*foo(.*?)bar.*) does
• Note: Make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised; for example, if you include an HTML table make sure to include everything including the table end tag
$formatTime(<formfield-accessor> [,<format>]) format the datefield pointed to by the <formfield-accessor> using the given <format>; the format can be in any form supported by Foswiki::Func::formatTime() (see Macros).
$n or $n() New line
$nop or $nop() Is a "no operation". This variable gets removed; useful for nested search
$quot Double quote ("). Alternatively, write \" to escape it.
$percnt Percent sign (%)
$dollar Dollar sign ($)

It is also possible to expand the contents of tables embedded in the topic, in two ways:
  • using the syntax $field[format=FORMAT] where $field is the table type, which is named the same as the table topic, and FORMAT is the name of a format previously defined using %TABLEFORMAT and suitable for expanding the sub-table.
  • using the syntax $field.subfield where subfield is a numeric field in the contents of the embedded table (i.e. it contains a number). In this case the result will be the sum of all subfield values over all the rows in the table.

sort is used to define the sort order, and is a list of field names (without $'s) separated by commas. You can reverse the sort order for a column by prepending '-' to the field name. For example,


The default sort method is string comparison. If the field data is numeric, then you can put a '#' in front of the field name to force the sort to be numeric. For example,




%TABLEFORMAT is silent i.e. it produces no output on the page unless there is an error, in which case a descriptive error message is output. This message can be disabled using the moan parameter.



Used to show the results of a FormQueryPlugin query, %SHOWQUERY accepts all the same parameters as %TABLEFORMAT (except name), and also the following parameters:
Parameter Description
query Required, gives the name of the query to show
start Optional, first row to display
limit Optional, number of rows to display, or all
For example,
Note: If you render your results in Foswiki table format and limit the rows displayed using limit (e.g. first 10 from 99 rows), and also use TablePlugin to allow sorting on the headers, then only the 10 displayed rows will be sorted by TablePlugin (and not the full 99 rows in the table).



Combines a FormQueryPlugin query and showing the results of that query, %DOQUERY accepts all the same parameters as %FORMQUERY and %SHOWQUERY (except name and query).



Used to transform the results of a FormQueryPlugin query into a format which SpreadSheetPlugin can operate on. %QUERYTOCALC accepts all the same parameters as %TABLEFORMAT (except name), and also the following parameters:
Parameter Description
query Required, gives the name of the query to show
start Optional, first row to display
limit Optional, number of rows to display, or all
For example,
The query must be formatted as a table. This variable produces no output, but must precede any calculation on the resultant query.



Operates on the result of a FormQueryPlugin query represented as a table, using a previous %QUERYTOCALC. Accepts a single, unnamed parameter:
Parameter Description
  Required; the calculation to perform
The parameter is text as required by the $CALC statement (see SpreadSheetPlugins); all operations supported by %CALC are supported by %SHOWCALC. This command behaves identical to %CALC when used following a table; it operates on the implicit table constructed by a preceding %QUERYTOCALC statement. Arbitrary many %SHOWCALC can be performed; all apply to the preceeding implicit table.

returns the number of matches of a query that had been formatted as an implicit table.



Used to calculate the sum of a numeric field across all the matches in a FormQueryPlugin query result.
Parameter Description
query Required, name of the query to sum over
field Required, name of the field to sum
For example, let's say we have a form type called "VitalStatistics" that has a field "Age" in it. We can sum all the ages in all occurences of the form using:
%FORMQUERY{name=vs search="form='VitalStatistics'"}%
Sum of ages = %SUMFIELD{query=vs field="Age"}%
The result is a single number representing the sum of all the fields.

Note that values embedded in tables can be summed using the shorthand described above.



Used to determine the total number of results a FormQueryPlugin query returned.
Parameter Description
query Required, name of the query to sum over
The result is a single number representing the number of results the query returned.



See Foswiki::Plugins/FormQueryPluginTutorial for a tutorial describing how to use the plugin in real-world applications.

Formatted query examples

%TABLEFORMAT% is able to generate (roughly) the same output as FormattedSearch, based on an earlier query. Multiple different formatted results can be produced without having to rerun the query.

Bullet list showing topic name and summary

Write this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="topic=~'FAQ'" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" header="   * *Topic: Summary:*" format="   * [[$web.$topic]]: $summary(25)"}%

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="topic=~'FAQ'" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" header=" * *Topic: Summary:*" format=" * $web.$topic: $summary(25)"}%

Extract some text from a topic using regular expression

Write this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~'__Back to:__ FrequentlyAskedQuestions'" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" header="FAQs:" format="   * $pattern(.*?FAQ\:[\n\r]*([^\n\r]+).*) [[$web.$topic][Answer...]]"}%

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~'__Back to:__ FrequentlyAskedQuestions'" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" header="FAQs:" format=" * $pattern(.*?FAQ\:[\n\r]*([^\n\r]+).*) Answer..."}%

Search can be nested. For example, search for some topics, then form a new search for each topic found in the first search. The idea is to build the nested search string using a formatted search in the first search.

For example, let's search for all topics that contain the word "culture" (first search), and let's find out where each topic found is linked from (second search).

  • First search:
    • %FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~'culture'" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" format="   * $web.$topic is referenced by:$n(list all references)"}%
  • Second search. For each hit we want this search:
    • %DOQUERY{"(topic found in first search)" separator=", " web="Extensions" format="$web.$topic"}%
  • Now let's nest the two. We need to escape the second search, e.g. the first search will build a valid second search string. Note that we escape the second search so that it does not get evaluated prematurely by the first search:
    • Use $percnt to escape the leading percent of the second search
    • Use \" to escape the double quotes
    • Use $dollar to escape the $ of $topic

Write this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~'culture'" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" format="   * $web.$topic is referenced by:$n      * $percntDOQUERY{\"$topic\" separator=\", \" web=\"Extensions\" format=\"$dollarweb.$dollartopic\"}$percnt "}%

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~'culture'" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" format=" * $web.$topic is referenced by:$n * $percntDOQUERY{\"$topic\" separator=\", \" web=\"Extensions\" format=\"$dollarweb.$dollartopic\"}$percnt "}%

Note: Nested search can be slow, especially if you nest more then 3 times. Nesting is limited to 16 levels. For each new nesting level you need to "escape the escapes", e.g. write $dollarpercntDOQUERY for level three, $dollardollarpercntDOQUERY for level four, etc.

Most recently changed pages

Write this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" limit="7" sort="info.date" format="| $web.$topic | $wikiusername | $date |"}%

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" limit="7" sort="info.date" format="| $web.$topic | $wikiusername | $date |"}%

Search with conditional output

A regular expression search is flexible, but there are limitations. For example, you cannot show all topics that are up to exactly one week old, or create a report that shows all records with invalid form fields or fields within a certain range, etc. You need some additional logic to format output based on a condition:
  1. Specify a search which returns more hits then you need
  2. For each search hit apply a spreadsheet formula to determine if the hit is needed
  3. If needed, format and output the result
  4. Else supress the search hit

This requires the Foswiki:Extensions.SpreadSheetPlugin. The following example shows all topics that are up to exactly one week old.

Write this:

%CALC{$SET(weekold, $TIMEADD($TIME(), -7, day))}%
%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="name='.*'" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" sort="info.date" format="$percntCALC{$dollarIF($dollarTIME($date) < $dollarGET(weekold), , | $web.$topic | $wikiusername | $date | $rev |)}$percnt" }%

  • The first line sets the weekold variable to the serialized date of exactly one week ago
  • The SHOWQUERY has a deferred CALC. The $percnt makes sure that the CALC gets executed once for each search hit
  • The CALC compares the date of the topic with the weekold date
  • If topic is older, a <nop> is returned, which gets removed at the end of the Foswiki rendering process
  • Otherwise, the search hit is formatted and returned

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="name='.*'" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" sort="info.date" format="$percntCALC{$dollarIF($dollarTIME($date) < $dollarGET(weekold), , | $web.$topic | $wikiusername | $date | $rev |)}$percnt" }%

Note: If you don't see any output, then there are no files newer than 7 days. Rows without entries in all but the first field are due to incorrect topics present in the Foswiki web (no topic info line, thus we cannot find date, author, rev).

Embedding search forms to return a formatted result

Use an HTML form and an embedded formatted search on the same topic. You can link them together with an %URLPARAM{"..."}% variable. Example:

Write this:

Find Topics: 
<input type="text" name="q" size="32" value="%URLPARAM{"q"}%" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
%FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~''" web="Extensions"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="q1" limit="7" format="   * $web.$topic: %BR% $summary" }%

To get this:

Find Topics:

Result (first 7): %FORMQUERY{name="q1" search="text=~''" web="Extensions"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="q1" limit="7" format=" * $web.$topic:
$summary" }%

Generate a table with embedded calculations

Assume you want to produce a summary of all the large attachments in a topic (where by large we mean any attachment greater than 10k). The table should show topic, the name of the attachment, the file size in k, and the date when the attachment was created.

Write this:

%FORMQUERY{name="all" search="" web="Extensions" extract="attachments"}%
%FORMQUERY{name="big" query="all" search="size>'10240'"}%
%SHOWQUERY{query="big" format="|$_up.web.$_up.name|$name|  $percntCALC{$dollarROUND($dollarEVAL($size / 1024), 1)k}$percnt|$percntCALC{$dollarFORMATTIME($date, $dollarday $dollarmon $dollaryear)}$percnt|"}%

To get this:

%FORMQUERY{name="all" search="" web="Extensions" extract="attachments"}% %FORMQUERY{name="big" query="all" search="size>'10240'"}% %SHOWQUERY{query="big" format="|$_up.web.$_up.name|$name| $percntCALC{$dollarROUND($dollarEVAL($size / 1024), 1)k}$percnt|$percntCALC{$dollarFORMATTIME($date, $dollarday $dollarmon $dollaryear)}$percnt|"}%

Topic Relations

Topic relations are defined by setting the FORMQUERYPLUGIN_RELATIONS variable in the WebPreferences topic of the web to be processed. This defines a semicolon-separated list of rules for deriving relationships between topics using common portions of names. This is best illustrated by an example. Let's say we set FORMQUERYPLUGIN_RELATIONS to be:
ReQ%Ax%B SubReq ReQ%A; TiT%An%B TestItem ReQ%A
This describes two rules, the first of which says "Any topic named "ReQ<something>x<something>" is a SubReq of another topic called "ReQ<something>". Single upper case characters with a preceding percent sign are used to define the <something>s. So, in this example, ReQ1456 has the SubReq relation to ReQ1456x7. The reverse relation is also inserted, but appending _of to the relation name, so ReQ1456x7 has the SubReq_of relation to ReQ1456.

Obviously a single topic may have many topics that have the same relation to it (i.e. they are one-to-many), so forward relations are stored as arrays in the maps that represent topics. Reverse relations are many_to_one so they are stored as a simple field in the other topic. Relations are stored as pointers to the maps of the other topic so they can't be printed as if they were simple names. Instead you have to use them to refer to fields within the other topic. For example, in a %SHOWQUERY showing ReQReQ1456x7 you can't refer simply to $SubReq_of to get ReQ1456 (the name of the related topic); you have to use $SubReq_of.topic instead.

The default value of FORMQUERYPLUGIN_RELATIONS is none.


Tables to be read into the database must use the EditTablePlugin 'include= topic ' feature (or the EditTablerow 'template= topic ' feature), which define the format of the tables in another topic. Tables to be read are defined by setting the FORMQUERYPLUGIN_TABLES variable in the WebPreferences topic of the web. This is a list of the names of the topics that EditTablePlugin or EditTablerowPlugin use to find the table formats. Tables are read in as arrays of maps, with each map keyed on a field name generated by stripping all non-alphabetic characters from the column header. Note that the column header where the table is defined is used, not the column header in the EditTable include= topic. If the FORMQUERYPLUGIN_TABLES variable is set to All (case-insensitive), then any valid table is added to the database.

The default is to load all tables:

Two special map entries are added to each table row, topic and the equivalent of the reverse relation described above, represented by _up. So if you load a table type "CookingTimes", each row will have topic set to the name of the topic it was loaded from and _up set to the map of that topic. This allows you to refer to the fields of the topic that contains a table even after the table has been extracted.

When a table contains calculations using Foswiki:Extensions.SpreadSheetPlugin, these are applied before the map entries are created for this table. These calculations must not refer to data outside of the table.

If there are multiple EDITTABLE calls with the same table type, all the table data is concatenated into a single table.

The current value of FORMQUERYPLUGIN_TABLES is all.

For example, let's say we have a table in a topic called TableDefinition, like this:


Now, in another topic, TableUse, we have
| Cat | Small furry animal |
| Dog | Latch used to seal a hatch on a ship |
In this case, $TableDefinition.0.Name is Cat, $TableDefinition.1.Name is Dog.

Plugin Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See http://foswiki.org/Support/ManuallyInstallingExtensions for more help.

  • Note: preferences are no longer read from this topic. They must be set in SitePreferences, WebPreferences in individual webs, or in individual topics
  • The variable %FORMQUERYPLUGIN_ENABLE% must be set either globally or in the web where you want to use it. If the plugin is enabled globally (on all webs), this may have an unwelcome performance impact, as the plugin may create a cache of topics in a web where it is not intended to be used. To enable the plugin for selected webs only, put the following line into the WebPreferences topic of the web you want to enable it on:
  • You can set a default for the moan parameter by setting the =FORMQUERYPLUGIN_MOAN preference.
  • FormQueryPlugin must appear in the Plugins evaluation order before SpreadSheetPlugin. You can ensure this by putting FormQueryPlugin first in the {PluginsOrder} list in configure.
  • Note: If you are using it, MacrosPlugin must appear in the Plugins evaluation order before FormQueryPlugin.

Plugin Info

Author: Foswiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie, with contributions from Foswiki:Main/ThomasWeigert and others
Version: 5542 (2009-11-17)
Release: 17 Nov 2009
Change History:  
17 Nov 2009 Foswikitask:Item4199: broke up doc topics
7 Apr 2009 Foswikitask:Item8053: fixed QUERYTOCALC, which was always coming up a row short Foswikitask:Item3537: added $formatTime as proposed by Stephane Lenclud.
28 Jan 2009 Foswikitask:Item452: ported to Foswiki, updated for changes made for Berkeley DB support
21 May 2007 TWikibug:Item3969 - 8bit email fix (Foswiki:Main.WillNorris)
24 Apr 2007 (13527) Merge YetAnotherFormQueryPlugin back in. Fixed a lot. Prepared for use with Foswiki 4.2.
04 Sep 2006 Expand calculations using Foswiki:Extensions.FormQueryPlugin.
23 Jun 2006 Ported to Dakar.
9 Jul 2005 Added support for tables defined using Foswiki:Extensions/EditTablerowPlugin
  Added support for searches over multiple webs
  Support %MATCHCOUNT%
  Allow Foswiki:Extensions/SpreadSheetPlugin computation to be applied to the result of a query
  Made "moan" a preference rather than a per call option
  Removed %ARITHMETIC% (as one can use the Foswiki:Extensions/SpreadSheetPlugin)
  Removed the color map feature
  Extended %FQPINFO% to support showing results of queries
  Integrate the Attribute parser from Foswiki:Codev/DakarRelease
  Add caseinsensitivity as option
  Handle one line at a time so that query memory can be reused in another query
  Added the special variables supported by FormattedSearch
  Changed some of the option names to be more consistent with FoswikiSearch (e.g., row_count)
  More flexibility for using tables
  Support embedding of %SEARCH% and %FORMQUERY% in the format option to allow searches and queries to be applied to the result of a query (a poor man's intersection)
  Added option to switch on/off "Undefined" messages for undefined field values
  Expanded fields no longer have spaces around them. This is more correct, but requires care in format definitions.
16 Jul 2004 Split into sub-components
02 Apr 2004 Foswiki:Main/SimonHardyFrancis bugfixes incorporated. Foswiki:Main/TimSlidel patches incoporated for mod_perl, autocreate, and collapsing same-type tables in a single topic
05 Feb 2004 Bugfix version
11 Jul 2003 Initial version
Foswiki::Contrib::DBCacheContrib>=1.001Required. Download and install from the Foswiki:Extensions/DBCacheContrib code library.
Time::ParseDate>=2003.0211Required. Available from CPAN.
Home: http://foswiki.org/Extensions/FormQueryPlugin
Support: http://foswiki.org/Support/FormQueryPlugin

This code is based on an original development of Motorola Inc. and is protected by the following copyrights:
  • Copyright © 2002-2003, 2005 Motorola. All Rights Reserved.
  • Copyright © 2004. Crawford Currie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
FormQueryPlugin.md5md5 FormQueryPlugin.md5 manage 168 bytes 17 Nov 2009 - 13:36 CrawfordCurrie  
FormQueryPlugin.sha1sha1 FormQueryPlugin.sha1 manage 192 bytes 17 Nov 2009 - 13:36 CrawfordCurrie  
FormQueryPlugin.tgztgz FormQueryPlugin.tgz manage 25 K 17 Nov 2009 - 13:35 CrawfordCurrie  
FormQueryPlugin.zipzip FormQueryPlugin.zip manage 34 K 17 Nov 2009 - 13:35 CrawfordCurrie  
FormQueryPlugin_installerEXT FormQueryPlugin_installer manage 4 K 17 Nov 2009 - 13:36 CrawfordCurrie  
TWiki_FormQueryPlugin.zipzip TWiki_FormQueryPlugin.zip manage 27 K 09 Apr 2009 - 11:32 CrawfordCurrie Auto-ported version tested on TWiki 4.2.3
Topic revision: r6 - 17 Nov 2009, CrawfordCurrie
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